But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 25 June 2012

Questions We Need Answers To

1. How on earth did I not notice how short Philipp Lahm is before? The man is teeny tiny and makes Nigel Winterburn look positively statuesque.

2. How has Roy Keane restrained himself from punching Adrian Chiles into a pulp? The inanities must surely have driven him into an apoplectic rage by now...

3. Was this really what Jack and Meg had in mind when they wrote Seven Nation Army, to hear it over and over again whenever someone scores at a football tournament? I may be wrong, but I think not.

4. Why can't they just show the RTE coverage in the UK instead of BBC and ITV, for those of us unable to get to a computer? Having to deal with the smugness of BBC and the surreal awfulness of ITV is torturous. Only Lee Dixon saved my sanity whilst I was away covering the Inner Hebrides League. (For updates on that, by the way, please go to Aye-Its-Skill-Big-Man.com)

5. Clive Tyldesley: Why, dear god, WHY?????

1 comment:

  1. Thems a lot of questions. Methinks we're not actually supposed to know the answer to them, kind of like the meaning of life.

    Loving the Roy and Bill pictures....
