But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Sunday 17 June 2012

Dobra Robota Greece......Do Widzenia Holland

Well, well and verily...well. Last night saw the Russians deliver once again on their uncanny ability to flatter to deceive as Karagounis and co booked their place in the quarter finals with a gutsy 1-0 win. Is history repeating itself? Have we time warped back to 2004? Can the Greeks really pull off the mightiest of upsets for a second time? In a word....no. They play Germany next.
The Poles also had to leave their own party as the rather mediocre Czechs did just enough to squeeze through despite featuring Milan Baros (62) in the forward line.

Tonight's games saw the inevitable German march out of the group at the expense of the plucky Danes. Bendtner must have left his lucky underpants in the dressing room.
The Dutch decided to leave any semblance of footballing coherence back at home as they crashed out to two Fake Ronaldo goals, but really, this was coming since their first match in the group. Devoid of any defensive nous and featuring a lumpen midfield and misfiring forwards, it's perhaps a blessing to see them exit early doors so they can return home and actually work on becoming a decent team again. Rinus Michels wept.

So....the first two Quarter Finals are in place.......tomorrow sees the Irish try to regain a shred of dignity against a second place chasing Italy, while Slaven will have his work cut out trying to stop Iniesta, Fabregas  et al tearing his defence to ribbons. Pictures have just emerged from the Spanish training camp where Xavi Alonso has been busy running through the salient points of their win against Ireland in preperation for their next challenge.........

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