But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 25 June 2012

Chortle Chortle

Sublime; that's the only way to describe Andrea Pirlo's imperious penalty against England last night. And made all the sweeter by Cashley's howler of an attempt.It really couldn't have happened to a nicer guy... Andrea (54) may be getting a bit creaky, but that right foot is still a thing of beauty. It has to be said, the Italians aren't usually my team of choice but needs must and all that.
How England managed to last to the point of penalties is a bit perplexing considering they were generous enough to give Italy the ball at every opportunity, but there you go, the quarters are over and it's pretty much the teams who should be in the semis who are. France surpassed themselves even by their high standards of implosion and were feeble against Spain on Saturday. If I were the kind of person to believe in karma, I'd say that was Nasri being bitten on the ass bigtime. Priceless. I think Montpellier's president Louis 'Loulou' Nicollin summed it up best:
"We're tedious and sad. Seriously the French team bores me to death...I only watch because I am here (in a spa) having a treatment and was forced to. If I was at home I'd have watched a Western". Loulou, we salute you.
Newspaper analysis of the tournament so far has to be that of Russian paper Moskovsky Komsomolets on their team's inglorious exit headlined simply "Bastards". Brilliant.Calls for Arshavin to be deported gather pace.
So we wait for excitement for the semis and can only hope that Spain hand Ronaldo his arse...

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