But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hang on; Didn't Portugal Used to be Quite Good?

Yes, I know they won in the end but they contrived to throw it away on numerous occasions. They must have thought they had it wrapped up at 2-0, but the ego on legs that is Christiano Ronaldo managed to miss some absolute sitters, gloriously it has to be said. He very nearly managed to get in the way of Silvestre Varela's winning shot as well. If anyone needed any proof that this Portugal team isn't fit to clean the boots of great teams in the past, containing Eusebio, Figo or Costacurta, then surely the fact they let Bendtner score at will, is that proof. Embarrassingly, Bendtner is also by far the best-performing Arsenal-salaried player so far at the tournament. The shame...
As one of our correspondents said, this game was pure gold, and rest assured he ment that in a comedic sense.
First off, I know he's been around for years but HOW SHORT IS PHILLIP LAMM? Every time we see him, we marvel anew. Class player though.
And so to the headline game. Who could have predicted that Holland would be so pants? Germany are clearly going to have their usual tournament and lull everyone into a false sense of security by being mediocre in their first game, but then increasingly turning it on as the games progress. And Mario Gomez; a puzzle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma. He's been shit for YEARS, but now, inexplicably, he's quite good. Weird. At least Holland scored; until then, they had been the only team not to do so.
Starting to think that Huntelaar is the new Gomez...
That group table makes deeply embarrassing reading for the Dutch.

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