But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 14 January 2013

Week 22 Round-Up

Oh dear, reports of Ronan's comeback do seem to have been a been a bit previous afterall. Both he and Darren both mustered a measly 3 points each this week, aided by A!F!C!'s draw at Wycombe (come on lads; can you not beat WYCOMBE for Pete's sake?) In fairness it would have been 3 points all round but for Penny pulling a masterstroke out of the bag at almost the last minute and nicking a valuable 3 pointer from Nancy v Lille to add to her 3 single points. Oooh ; it was like '89 and Michael Thomas all over again (ahem...) So, it's still reasonably tight at the top but Penny manages to put a bit of day-light between her and Darren.

Week 22 Table

Penny           197 pts
Darren          193 pts
Ronan           172 pts

1 comment:

  1. I meant NEXT week my comeback starts....what odds a Michael Thomas like last minute raid on the last day of the Totally Skill season???
