But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Week 20 Part Deux Round Up

Is this the post Christmas fight back from Ronan, or will it be a one week wonder?
He finally scored a whopping 10 points in the second of our pre New Year contests and could be starting to claw his way back into contention. Penny managed a serviceable 6 whilst darren loses some ground with 4. Two 3 pointers from the plucky defending champ mean he could be starting to turn things around. Alas, only one point between all our players was scored from the Lebanese League so they may need to do some brushing up on their Middle Eastern knowledge...

Week 20 Table

Penny       188 pts
Darren      185 pts
Ronan       165 pts

In other news, a mere 7 days or so since our correspondents had a lengthy discussion about not only classic eighties chart-botherers Men Without Hats, but also AWOL housewives' fave Jerome Flynn, BOTH turn up back in circulation!!! Men Without Hats advertised their tour and Jerome (alas without Robson) turned up in prime time ultra-icky Ripper Street on the Beeb. Our Skillers' powers clearly know no bounds...

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