But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Saturday 19 January 2013

Plank of the Week

Oh Joey, Joey, Joey. Usually it isn't worth highlighting him in this segment because no one else would get a look in but you don't diss Didi and get away without being named and shamed. For those who missed it, after ill-conceived comments about Loic Remy's possible transfer to Newcastle and then Barton's parent club, QPR, Didi told the boy Barton not to slag off either former or present clubs as it showed a distinct lack of class and was biting the hand that feeds you. Cue torrent of increasingly personal abuse from Barton, including mentions of Didi's former gambling problems. He apparentely thought better of it all the next day but to question Didi's incredible career and professionalism is something of a new low.
What a twatter.

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