But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Thursday 12 April 2012


Just a little taster of what the winner of our end of season cup competition will be taking home...
But now to the important business of the inaugural Whaley Bee Bonanza week, and what a week it was! To begin with, it looked like absolutely nothing was going to change at all as Ronan kept his nose in front over the weekend, but then things went completely bumble-whale and Penny took a storming lead after Monday's fixtures. Tuesday and Wednesday though restored order and so, although Penny just edged it overall, and she managed to eat into Ronan's tally by 10 points, the shake-up that some pundits had predicted, failed to materialise. Penny can also breathe a sigh of relief that  Darren failed to make the most of the points on offer. All our pundits agree that for a week of over 150 games, the final scores were incredibly close and it just goes to show what a competitive league this one is.

Whaley Bee Results:

Penny:     115 pts
Ronan      111 pts
Darren:    104 pts

Week 35 Table

Ronan:   354  pts
Penny:    333 pts
Darren:   309 pts

1 comment:

  1. Deaf School CD should be here in the next week......it has been ordered!
