But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 30 April 2012


No seismic movement afoot this week. Seeing as the Torres T-Shirt has already been ordered, it appears now that Penny and Darren are merely playing for pride at this late stage. A pair of three pointers helped Darren to a nice 8 point haul, while Ronan continued his leisurely stroll towards the finish line with a respectable 6. Penny has bowed to the inevitable, and her 4 points are maybe evidence of a tailing off in intensity as it has become clear the chances of retaining her title have slipped away.
Of course, there is always the Totally Skill Cup to come very soon.....can Darren or Penny deny Ronan an unprecedented Double? Can Penny continue her marvellous cup form this season and claim the Deaf School CD? Or will Darren  trump them both to win his first Totally Skill 'silverware'? Let the Ogre Battle commence........


Ronan   375
Penny    353
Darren   336

PS I've been listening to lots of early Queen this week. And....eh...it's almost May.

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