But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Sunday 16 March 2014

Week 30 Round Up!!!

All Skillers gained points this week by correctly predicting Liverpool's emphatic victory over those minnows Man Utd, although both Penny and Darren could have bagged three points from the fixture if they had realised that the chances of Utd actually scoring a goal was about as remote as Sergio Torres and Didi Hamann forming a techo supergroup.
Nevertheless, Darren fought back admirably with a welcome nine points, a couple of correct winning margins going his way. Penny grabbed herself six points to still keep Darren at arms length; her faith in A!F!C! finally paying off. Ronan is still struggling up the final stretch of the mountain as the others approach the summit, but his six points at least made it a creditable enough week for the soon to be de-throned champion.
So Darren has nibbled away at Penny's lead rather than taken a mighty chomp, and with just two weeks to go, he will need all the cards to fall favourably for him to make it a nail biting finish.

Week 30 Table

Penny 217
Darren 208
Ronan 194

1 comment:

  1. I heard they WERE forming a techno-supergroup. They're going by the name Brick Factory. Try and keep up...
