But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Saturday 8 June 2013

End of a Slightly Rubbish Era

And lo, it came to pass that the inscrutable Russian half-pint finally ends his distinctly odd Arsenal career. Having veered wildly from humiliating the Swedes, amongst others, in the 2008 Euros, and THOSE four goals against Liverpool, to standing on a pitch occasionally doing feck all and the rest of the time sitting on his arse in the reserves, the powers that be have decided not to renew his contract. There were many who'd assumed he'd already left an age ago, but no; he was apparently still employed by the Gunners. Farewell then, to a man who promised much and delivered....um...not sure really.
Also released, Sebastien Squillaci, another player many had thought gone already and, sadly, Sanchez Watt, hero of the iconic hit "I Waited and Waited and All I Got Was Sanchez Watt".
It remains to be seen whether anyone is going to finally take the not-so-great Dane Bendtner off our hands; one can only hope someone is daft enough. PSG, anyone?

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