But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Appeal of the Week

This is an urgent appeal to Rte's top names; Miriam O'Callaghan, Ryan Tubridy, Pat Kenny, Marian Finucane, Joe Duffy: can you live with yourselves if the above is never to be seen on a regular basis ever again? No? So do the right thing, take half your more than ample salaries and donate to the Save Premier Soccer Saturday Appeal now and the €1.3 Rte say they can't stump up will be more than covered.
Just think of the children!!! And the fact that Kenny's eyebrows will no longer have gainful employment.
And that we will be forced to watch the horror show that is Match of the Day which doesn't even have the mitigating presence of Lee Dixon on any more. And I won't be able to gaze longingly at Richie of a Saturday evening.
Thank you

Sunday 16 June 2013

Looky Likeys......The Return!

Pointy ear donning Spocktastic American actor Zachary Quinto and............................

Cesc Fabregas. Beam me up, Xavi.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Extended Cake Metaphor!!!

In honour of the phrase being soon to be emblazoned on the front of the winners t-shirt, and well, because the book is out in paperback, we present to you, Egg Plant Totally Skill fans, the full, unedited extended cake metaphor as featured in Gilesy's rather fetching read 'The Great & The Good'. And it will save us having to always try and remember wherabouts in the book it is when we want to have a chuckle.
In this passage, Gilsey is talking about Rodney Marsh signing for Man Cityin 1972 when he gets a tad distracted, but he manages to go full circle by the end. Prepare yourselves........

" Marsh was signed for £200,000, supposedly as the icing on the cake. Unfortunately, that particular cake collapsed, and City ended up in fourth that season.
Not that the idea of the icing on the cake is always a bad one. But it can get a bit complicated."
(Indeed it can, John!).....deep breath.........
"At Tottenham you could say that Jimmy Graves was the icing on the cake, but Dave Mackay was the cake. 
At Leeds in my time, Allan Clarke was the icing on the cake when he arrived from Leicester City. At Liverpool, you couldn't really say that vital signings such as Kevin Keegan or Kenny Dalglish were the icing on the cake - they were probably a bit of both.
But when Alex Ferguson signed Eric Cantona, he was all icing, Roy Keane was the cake. And Keane would have been the cake in any other team, but Cantona would not necessarily have been the icing in another team.
George best was probably the icing - but very good icing - on a cake made by Bobby Charlton and Nobby Stiles. At Arsenal, Dennis Bergkamp was the icing on a Bruce Rioch cake - but it was a pretty dull cake.
Some say that Marco van Basten, Ruud Gullit and Frank Rijkaard were the icing on the cake made by Paolo Maldini and Franco Baresi for AC Milan, though in fact they all helped to make that particular cake.
Real players, on the whole, tend to be part icing, part cake. And yet players who are all icing, like Cantona, can be just what a team needs and they can play a huge part in the team's success - especially if they are finishers.
Sadly the icing that was Rodney Marsh on the cake that was Manchester City was never going to be a success."


Saturday 8 June 2013

End of a Slightly Rubbish Era

And lo, it came to pass that the inscrutable Russian half-pint finally ends his distinctly odd Arsenal career. Having veered wildly from humiliating the Swedes, amongst others, in the 2008 Euros, and THOSE four goals against Liverpool, to standing on a pitch occasionally doing feck all and the rest of the time sitting on his arse in the reserves, the powers that be have decided not to renew his contract. There were many who'd assumed he'd already left an age ago, but no; he was apparently still employed by the Gunners. Farewell then, to a man who promised much and delivered....um...not sure really.
Also released, Sebastien Squillaci, another player many had thought gone already and, sadly, Sanchez Watt, hero of the iconic hit "I Waited and Waited and All I Got Was Sanchez Watt".
It remains to be seen whether anyone is going to finally take the not-so-great Dane Bendtner off our hands; one can only hope someone is daft enough. PSG, anyone?