But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Sunday 21 April 2013

Week 36 Round Up

You know you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for half-time entertainment when all you can muster is Luis Boa Morte and some bloke from JLS. Shame on you Fulham. Even Robson Green would have been better than this...
Anyhoo, this week we have to ask: are the nerves getting to Ronan? He could only manage 4 points this week and whilst top scorer Penny wasn't exactly piling on the pressure, it cuts his lead back down to single figures. Darren's tactics were distinctly upset by injuries, meaning he couldn't go for his trademark bottom-up formation and he suffered for it, also managing only 4 points.
This is going to go right to the wire folks.

Week 36 Table

Ronan      358 pts
Penny      349 pts
Darren     342 pts


  1. Robson Green is becoming scarily omnipresent on this blog....there, I've just mentioned him again!
    Bonus track on upcoming Egg Plant summer EP : Robson Green {Is On My Team}

  2. If you don't write this song, I will be heartbroken
