But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Week 35 Round Up

Just to prove poor old Robson gets a look into...

So, incredibly, Ronan really has turned his season around. Despite Penny's 3 points from the Arsenal game she could only muster 5 to his 8 and poor Darren's battle for second was severly hampered by a measly 3, although he isn't out of the running yet.  Ronan now has an 11 point lead, unimaginable just 6 weeks ago and Penny and Darren must surely rue not taking their chances to leave him too far behind earlier in the year. It's all gone a bit Spurs for them...

Week 35 Table

Ronan   354  pts
Penny   343 pts
Darren  338 pts

1 comment:

  1. When I see that photo, I reckon Robson must have shrunk in the intervening years, and that's just a regular sized goldfish in his hands.
