But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Friday 4 May 2012


What a story: from the Norwegian Fifth division comes a tale to restore all your lost faith in the Corinthian values of the sometimes not-so-beautiful game.
Home team Sandved were 3-1 up against Ild when Talat Abunima went over in the box and was awarded a penalty. Abunima, pictured, immediately protested to the referee that he had in fact tripped over his own feet and there should be no spot-kick.
"I went past an Ild player and then tripped over my own feet. It was unbelievably clumsy of me and when the referee pointed to the spot I felt I had to speak out," Abunima told local newspaper Sandnesposten.
The ref was having none of this though, and sent Talat off for protesting.
But the heroism doesn't end there. Player-coach Oyvind Svenning deliberately sent the penalty wide in support of his player.
Opposing team Ild then withdrew a player themselves to even team numbers up; can anyone imagine a Premiership team doing the same thing? Ild then went on to be awarded 2 penalties which they converted to finish the game 3-3; a fair result it has to be said.
Only the ref failed to cover himself in glory, petulantly complaining that Svenning had protested Ild's final penalty. He also accused Abunima of not understanding the game's rules, despite the fact that it seems the player would have more of an idea of whether he's tripped himself up or not, but there you go.
So, Sandved and Ild, heroes all round. Thanks lads.

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