But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Saturday 22 October 2011

Week 11 halfway review

Well, we're halfway through Week 11's fixtures and already Pascal the Parrot is doing better than all of us.
Let's hope the European fixtures bring some big hitters or we'll find ourselves being nominated for Planks of the Week...
A bad week all round really as our shop teams all crashed to defeats. Lincoln started things off with an away loss to Cambridge on Friday night and it all went downhill from there. Didi's men saw their kickoff delayed whilst opponents Forest Green were stuck in traffic; how they must have wished they never escaped as they beat our boys 1-0. And, in what must have been a great game for the neutral, A!F!C! clawed their game with big spenders Crawley back to 2-2 only to lose 2-5 in the end.
To cap it all off, Niklas Bendtner scored his first goal for Sunderland.Bah.
Birthday wishes for Arsene Wenger though; lets hope Rory Delap doesn't spoil the party on Sunday.
STOP PRESS: Surefire contender for Plank of the Week has to be the boy Ballotelli who set his house on fire by letting off fireworks in his own bathroom. We'll update you on this once the judges have looked at any other possible candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Balotelli gets my vote. Plankness oozes from his every pore.
    Also, how great would it be if a striker in the Premiership scored a goal and lifted his top to reveal a 'Better than Bendtner' t -shirt underneath? Mario missed a trick there so he did.
