But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Weeks 25 & 26 Update!

The past two weeks have seen consolidation rather than revolution in the Egg Plant Totally Skill League. Darren still holds the lead with a handy 11 point haul over the fortnight, with Ronan gathering some momentum and ending this week just one point behind Penny. It seems the Skillers have settled into a groove, with nobody willing to make take risks at this delicate point of the season. It's nail-biting, it's teeth-clenching, it's heart pounding, and we're certainly entering the 'squeaky bum' time over the next few weeks.
Above is a totally random picture of Brora Rangers playing the mighty Clachnacuddin at some point over the past month or two. Just because........

Week 26 Table

Darren 143
Penny 136
Ronan 135

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