But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Totally Round Up Week 5

Oh dear; red faces at the Egg Plant Totally Skill League this week as somehow fixtures from a completely different week were used in the international games. This means that we only had 6 games rather than 10 to get points from. Obviously there will be a long and very expensive enquiry and we will find the perpetrator who'll probably get a promotion if it follows the usual path of these things.
But what of the 6 fixtures we did have? Well, Penny managed a three pointer at Huddersfield, to go with two single pointers elsewhere and Ronan kept up some momentum of sorts by getting two points in the Fraserburgh v Strollers game along with in the Skrill match. Darren was on international duty in Greece and his skeleton squad could only manage two points so he will be desperate to return and gets some much needed points next week.

Week 5 Table

Ronan  28 pts
Penny  22 pts
Darren 18 pts

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