But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Totally Round Up Week 6

We might all dislike Man City now almost as much as United, but it was impossible not to find huge joy in United's complete demolition at the weekend. Even if Sami Nasri scored too. Manuel Pelligrini, we salute you... The only downside was that if Howard Webb hadn't been reffing, Rooney would have been sure to have been sent off which would have been the icing on the cake.

But now to matters Totally Skill and what an amazing high-scoring week it was! Darren tried out a new formation and it played huge dividends straight away as both he and Penny racked up a stonking 12 points each. Ronan wasn't left out and totalled 11 as well so it may be that not much has changed in the league, but if our Skillers keep scoring like this, it could be our highest scoring season ever.
Remarkably, the tie of the round was Keith v Buckie as all our players scored 2 points from it. Elsewhere, Penny did well in Germany, Ronan in the A!F!C! tie and Darren in League One.

Week 6 Table

Ronan   39 pts
Penny    34 pts
Darren   30 pts

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Totally Round Up Week 5

Oh dear; red faces at the Egg Plant Totally Skill League this week as somehow fixtures from a completely different week were used in the international games. This means that we only had 6 games rather than 10 to get points from. Obviously there will be a long and very expensive enquiry and we will find the perpetrator who'll probably get a promotion if it follows the usual path of these things.
But what of the 6 fixtures we did have? Well, Penny managed a three pointer at Huddersfield, to go with two single pointers elsewhere and Ronan kept up some momentum of sorts by getting two points in the Fraserburgh v Strollers game along with in the Skrill match. Darren was on international duty in Greece and his skeleton squad could only manage two points so he will be desperate to return and gets some much needed points next week.

Week 5 Table

Ronan  28 pts
Penny  22 pts
Darren 18 pts

Monday 9 September 2013

Fact of the Week

This has to be one of the best facts of all time, only marred by the uncertainty on tinkernet as to whether the establishment is actually still open or not, but hey, here goes:
Arsenal legend runs (or ran) a bar near the main station in Stockholm called the Anders Limp Bar. Who would not want to pay homage at said establishment, if it is indeed still open? Price. Less.

Totally Round Up Week 4

A quick mention of the very successful Non-League Day that aimed to get people out to their local non-league clubs to get a taste of football away from the Sky box. A worthy mission and hopefully many of those who went to matches will return even when it isn't an international weekend.

Back to Egg Plant Totally Skill matters though and Ronan it appears was well and truly distracted by the internationals. Some of his players were called up to international duty and boy did it show. He managed just two single points this weekend, Fraserburgh and Bo's sparing his blushes and saving him from a pointless weekend. Darren and Penny both scored 5, which in any other week might seem a bit meh, but with Ronan dropping points, really help eat into that early lead of his. They got a three-pointer apiece; Darren also helped out by Bo's and Penny coming up trumps in the A!F!C! game.
And what a difference a season makes to A!F!C! ; third in the league! Fingers crossed the boys can keep this momentum up.

Week 4 Table

Ronan    24 pts
Penny    17 pts
Daren     16 pts

Monday 2 September 2013

Stats of the Weeks

Two this week; Jermaine Pennant's goal against West Ham at the weekend was his first goal for 846 days. Better late than ever.

Kevin Lisbie's winner for Leyton Orient at Colchester meant that they've won their first five games of the season for the first time. EVER.

Totally Round Up Week 3

That's more like it! After making a couple of signings each over the last week, Penny and Darren have finally woken up and both put in decent performances this weekend. Darren took the day with 7, a very useful 3 pointer from the battle of the Spors in Turkey. Penny was close behind with 6, the Skrill Conference bringing her 3 points. Ronan retained his lead with 5. The season is finally taking off.
Whether anyone will make any last minute big-name signings before the transfer window closes tonight remains to be seen; rumours that Penny is trying coax Henrik Larsson out of retirement remain unconfirmed at going to press.
In other news:
1. A!F!C! carry on their brilliant start to the season and after a 2-0 win over Fleetwood Town (AKA League 2's Arsenal) are 4th in the league; champion!
2. Poor Sergio was an unused sub again at the weekend.
3. Glen Johnson (a man who has yet to fulfill his potential) won't be able to win us over in Moldova again as he's injured. Curses; what a missed opportunity.

Week 3 Table

Ronan    22 pts
Penny    12 pts
Darren    11 pts