But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Week 38 Round Up

You thought it was tense last week? That was nothing, people. It's becoming a stumble to the finish for everyone and even a Totally Unskill distraction in the Billy Bragg Cup could shake things up as much as Darren and Penny might have hoped. Ronan's nerves seemed all over the place as he limped through the weekend with three single points. Penny kept her dream alive with an average 5, the Highland League getting her out of real trouble, but Darren was the week's big winner with 6 points that put him in joint second place with Penny. With Ronan's lead cut to 9 points and two weekends left, the title is ANYONE's! I'm back to watching from behind the sofa...

Week 38 Table

Ronan   366 pts
Darren   357 pts
Penny    357 pts

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