But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Sunday 17 March 2013

Week 31 Round-Up

Week 31 turned out to be something of an anti-climax after the excitement of the last few weeks. Top scorers were Ronan and Penny with a measly 4 each whilst Darren trailed with just 2 points. All our teams were dreadful in Europe with just one point picked up between all three in Switzerland of all places. This gives the lie to talk of The Egg Plant Totally Skill League being up there with the top leagues in the world but it is still early days.
Allthis means though that there is now just one point between Darren and Ronan and then a mere 9 points to the top spot. With just a fortnight to Whaley Bee, it's all up for grabs now!
Above is an entirely gratuitous picture of Richie as he hasn't been on't telly for a couple of weeks. Apologies...

Week 31 Table

Penny   252 pts
Darren  243 pts
Ronan   242 pts

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed becoming very exciting. Richie hasn't been on the telly? What have they done with him?
