But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 10 December 2012

Totally Round-Up Week 17

As we gear up for Santi Day later this week, the man himself was getting rather giddy at the prospect of a day in his honour, falling to earth at the weekend a bit too easily. We'll let him away with it this time, but with a stern wag of the finger in his direction. You're better than that Santi......

This week, Ronan began his pre-Christmas fightback with a much needed 10 point haul, as Penny and Darren scraped 4 and 5 respectively. Darren does keep his nose in front, but it's tight up there at the Totally Skill summit.

Meanwhile, in other news, this wee fella above has just managed to bag 86 goals since January. That's nothing. I netted 103 times during the calendar year of 1985 in the Westside Under 10's Indoor Soccer League, but nobody mentioned Gerd Muller to me then. It's one rule for pint sized Argentinian geniuses, and another for the rest of us I tell's ya.

Farewell from the pitch then, to Kevin 'Zinedine' Kilbane. God loves a tryer they say, so He must be thouroughly infatuated with 'our Kev' for the heart and soul he poured into his time with Ireland (and multiple English clubs). All the best Kev....


Darren     163
Penny      162
Ronan      144

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