But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 12 November 2012

Totally Round Up Week 13

If you can imagine that Penny's belief in the restorative powers of Mick McCarthy are the icing, and Darren's knowledge of obscure German teams with funny names are the cherries, then Ronan's wild stab in the dark on the Real Zaragoza score is the humble sponge. It was only a much needed 2 points from the Spanish fixture that rescued Ronan's week from another of total disaster. As it was, a total of 3 points scored is hardly world-beating, but I'm sure he will take what he can at this point and hope to turn things around in the imminent Whaley Bee Extravaganza. He's going to have to pull a blinder though to make up ground on Penny and Darren.
Mitt Romney, I mean Mick McCarthy, really is working wonders at Ipswich and Penny's faith was rewarded with 3 points, giving her 5 in total. Darren likewise capitalised on his German homework and scored 5 too.
Alas, Wiltu Iggeery failed to score in the West Brom fixture but they still went on to win and so thwart all our competitors in the Premier League fixture.

Week 13 Table

Penny       85 pts
Darren     78 pts
Ronan      59 pts

1 comment:

  1. Although Wiltu's brother Taume did set up Montpellier's equaliser against Paris SG at the weekend. He continues to excel in his defensive midfielder role....kind of like.....hmmmm.....
