But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Totally Highland Round-Up Week 9


Ach eye.....twas a bonny week o' fitbaw in the bonny hills an' valleys, but there be nae danger o' the lass Penny losin' her lead as awl wee Skillers notched a toaty three points awl runed.
So it's as ye were, as it were, at the toap after the Ultimate Highland Fling week saw the state o' the patches as pure muck, and meant we couldnae complete awl games. Yon Clachs, Formartine an' wee Keith....haud yer heeds in shame. Thon undersoil heatin' be cheaper than youse think. Forres n' Brora were tae gie it laldy away fae hame. Pure dead brilliant, aye.
We ken noo hae hard thus Totally Skill League is.....an' 'tis only gaunnae git pure solid as we go oan.
Mony a mickle maks a muckle!!
Ah'll leave youse wi' a wee joke:
Ten coos in a fiel'..which wan is closer tae Iraq?............................Coo eight

Scottish Correspondent Hamish 'Ned' McNumpty

WEEK 9 TABLE                          Pts

Penny 'Kilt' McSporran                       67
Darren 'Tatties' 'McHaggis           51
Ronan 'Irn' McBru                        49

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