But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Friday 28 September 2012

Hero Of The Week

Your team (Lazio) are facing a tough away match to Napoli and in the third minute a ball comes flying in from the right....you tussle with the defender, the goalie misjudges the flight of the ball...you manage a touch and the ball goes into the net. GOOOAAALLLLL!
Or not, as the case may be. 62 year old MIROSLAV KLOSE showed that there is indeed honour amongst thieves as after initially celebrating the 'goal' with his teammates as Napoli defenders furiously reacted to the injustice, his conscience kicked in within a matter of seconds and he approached the ref and admitted that he had handled the ball and the goal should not stand.

Cue a raft of Napoli players congratulating him on his honesty. While his own teammates and manager may have been less than pleased, seeing as Lazio went on to lose 3-0, it is a credit to the veteran German striker that he owned up and showed the class that is sorely lacking in most footballers.`

Bravo Herr Klose....you are Hero Of The Week, and probably every other week until season's end.

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