But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Many apologies for the delay in scoring this week; a combination of the infuriating new BBC Football website and the ineptitude of one of our panel meant that a game from this Tuesday night was included in the mix and so the final results are only just in.
And what a result. Penny got off to a flyer with her correct (if slightly optimistic) prediction of the Arsenal-Liverpool clash but then stalled, and only picked up one further point. Darren's recent momentum was also halted and he managed to pick up just two points in a dismal week he will probably want to forget.
And so it was left to man of the moment Ronan to clean up, and clean up he did. Who knew his knowledge of Brazilian football was so in depth? And who else could forsee that the woeful Coventry would manage to score a late equaliser against Palace? All this means he picked up a very handy 10 points and the gap between him and Penny is again widening. In consolation for her, Darren looks increasingly like he is out of the Champions League running...

Week 30 Table

Ronan            214 pts
Penny             197 pts
Darren            187 pts

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