But it's worth it just to hear the fans sing Sergio.......Sergio

Monday 23 January 2012


Kicking into gear as we enter a crucial point of the season (all points are crucial really, but this point is REALLY crucial), Penny creates a sliver of daylight in between herself and the chasing flock. A handsome 9 points puts her four clear at the summit. The air must be getting thinner by the day up there. Aston Villa and Cardiff both had the decency to win their games by one goal to give her those all important 'winning margin' points, while the same happened in the German and Woodlleoodleoodleooo matches. Penny knows her 'spors'.
Ronan and Darren managed 6 and 3 points respectively, but are now starting to crane their necks to catch a glimpse of Penny as she begins the ascent of the North Face that is Feburary in the Totally Skill League. She's well equipped to deal with the trials that lay ahead, but the lads will be hoping she runs out of energy bars, or possibly slips down a ravine, so as to clear their way to battle it out for the honours.


Penny                 172
Ronan                 168
Darren                155

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